Don’t feel guilty when you don’t share someone’s passion

Abortion.  Marriage.  Revival.  Israel.  Jesus’ 2nd Coming.   Adoption.  Healing.  Homelessness.

Which one are you passionate about?  Or are you passionate about none?  We probably all know someone who is extremely passionate in one of these areas.   Is something wrong with us if we aren’t, or if we are passionate in another way?

My church and city are filled with many saints who are passionate in one or more of these areas.   I know a lady who stands on the sidewalk near our local abortion clinic and declares life over the unborn.  I have a dear friend who is extremely passionate about praying for Israel and educating others about God’s heart for Israel.  I am great friends with an amazing couple who have 7 children (3 biological, 4 adopted) and they are in the process of adopting 4 more!  These are passionate people who inspire me in many ways.


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