Giving our friends permission to be imperfect

At times, it looks like my walk-in closet has exploded all over my bathroom. There are shirts laying on the tub. Tank tops on the rugs. And two or three hangers of pants on the door knob.

Have you ever planned to wear a certain outfit, and when you put it on, it just didn’t work? Then you begin the mad dash of figuring out something else to wear.  You also have to decide which shoes to wear and what color jewelry matches your outfit.  Since you are now running late, you don’t have time to clean up after yourself as you try on outfit after outfit.

permission to be imperfect

As you rush out the door, you leave clothes strewn behind you. And most likely you leave your peace behind as well. (more…)

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How do we do the impossible things facing us?

In an early morning outburst, I fled my schoolroom and barreled down the stairs.  Leaving my two homeschooled children behind, I shut the school room door, and my bedroom door, and my bathroom door, and then my closet door.  There, in the darkness of my walk-in closet, I fell to my knees and put my forehead on the bristly Berber carpet.

“Jesus,” I desperately prayed, “please let my children live until my husband gets home.”

I was exasperated, frustrated, and felt totally unable to homeschool my children.  I had no clue what I was doing and knew that I would go down in the hall of fame of homeschool teacher failures.  I didn’t know how to do the impossible things facing me.

how to do impossible things


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What if you don’t have a Pinterest-perfect life?

As my body woke up from a night of slumber, so did the constant fear that rolled over and over in my stomach.  I had recently completed a three minute speaker promo video and I had shared it with my family and friends, including a lot of pastors and ministry leaders. I even shared it on Facebook.  I was unsure how people would receive it.  I felt vulnerable. Exposed.

I was terrified of being rejected.


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I ditched my early morning appointment with God

I stared at the window, longing to go outside.  I could see the birds flitting from tree limbs to the bird feeders.  I could hear the sweet song of the cardinal at the top of the river birch tree.  I could see the water flowing in the fountains, the windchimes swaying, and the flowers blooming in my whimsical cottage garden.

And I was stuck inside.  I felt like I was the “princess in the tower,” locked in the upstairs bedroom and not allowed to leave. (more…)

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In Spite of Me My Children Turned Out Well

It was a Sunday morning, and my teenage children and I were together at church. My son Gregory was in the worship band, rocking it out on his bass guitar.  He was swaying back and forth, almost dancing, and belting out the song lyrics with a strong confidence.  Later, during communion, I found a quiet place to pray with my daughter Hannah.  I let her pray first, and she prayed so long that I didn’t think I would get to have a turn.  She prayed a beautiful prayer that touched my heart.

It was later in the day as I was relaying these events to my husband that I realized that in spite of myself, my children had turned out well – they are hard workers, they have tender hearts and they unashamedly love Jesus.

In Spite of Me My Children Turned Out Well


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